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Health and safety policy


General background 
Electraguard UK/J Brewer & Sons LTD takes the safety and welfare of our staff and anyone engaged by, or working with, Electraguard UK/J Brewer & Sons LTD, very seriously. 
Our Health and Safety Policy plays an important role in setting and making clear the standards of health and safety that we apply in our business. 
It is important that you read and ensure you understand the content of this policy. If you have any questions about it, please direct them in the first instance to John Brewer. 
This policy is not part of any employment or any other contract. We Electraguard UK/J Brewer & Sons LTD, may amend this policy from time to time. in line with the needs and practices of our business.

1    Part 1: Policy details 

1.1     What does this policy cover and who is covered?

1.2    All staff, contractors and workers and other persons affected by the work we undertake are covered by Electraguard UK/J Brewer & Sons LTD’s health and safety policy. 

1.3    Our policy is to:

a)    Understand the health and safety risks arising from our work activities
b)    ensure adequate control of those health and safety risks 
c)    consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety
d)    provide and maintain safe plant and equipment
e)    ensure safe handling and use of substances
f)    provide the necessary information, instruction and supervision for employees
g)    ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training
h)    prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill-health
i)    maintain safe and healthy working conditions
j)    review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals


2     Part 2: Key responsibilities

2.1    The ultimate responsibility for health and safety within Electraguard UK/J Brewer & Sons LTD is John Brewer Director

2.2    The person who has been delegated the responsibility for ensuring that our policy is implemented is John Brewer Director. 


first aid equipment and first aid help, including accident/injuries logbook entries and RIDDOR reporting - John Brewer

fire safety, in the form of fire marshal duties, fire exit assistance to less able colleagues, responsibility for checking fire equipment condition and fitness for operation, etc - John Brewer

vehicle and equipment maintenance - John Brewer

health and safety training - John Brewer
general premises maintenance, including carpets, condition of buildings, exits, utilities and services supplied) - John Brewer

2.3     All those covered by our policy must:
a)    Co-operate with our relevant supervisors and managers on health and safety matters
b)    Not interfere with or misuse anything provided to safeguard their health and safety
c)    Take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others, and
d)    Report all health and safety concerns to an appropriate person (as detailed in the table above, or to one of the individuals named in paragraphs [2.1] and [2.2] above.)


3    Part 3:  Arrangements 

3.1    Consultation with Employees 

Our Employee Representative(s) for H&S - John Brewer
Consultation with Employees - John Brewer

3.2      Risk Assessments 

Risk assessments will be done by John Brewer
Action identified will be done by John Brewer
Risk assessments will be reviewed by John Brewer


3.3 Plant Equipment
Plant and Equipment maintenance will be arranged by John Brewer
Any problems with plant and equipment should be reported to John Brewer
New plant and equipment is purchased by John Brewer

3.4 Safe Handling and Use of Substances
COSHH Assessments will be undertaken by John Brewer
Actions identified will be implemented by John Brewer
The findings of COSHH will be communicated by John Brewer
COSHH assessments will be reviewed by John Brewer

3.3 Information, Instruction and Supervision 
The Health and Safety Law Poster is Displayed in Office
The Employers Compulsory Liability Insurance certificate is displayed at Office
The Competent Person for Health and Safety Advice is John Brewer
Supervision of employees is undertaken by John Brewer

 3.4 Training
Induction training for new employees will be provided by John Brewer
Job specific training will be provided by John Brewer
Training records will be kept electronically and retained by John Brewer
Training will be identified, arranged and monitored by John Brewer

 3.5 Accidents, First Aid and Work-Related Ill-Health
Health Surveillance is required for the following activities 
Health Surveillance will be arranged by     N/A
Health Surveillance records will be retained by N/A
First Aid equipment/boxes are located at the van
The designated first aiders are John Brewer
The accident recording book is located at Office

3.6 Monitoring and Review 
Accidents, incidents and near misses should be reported to John Brewer
Accident Investigations will be undertaken by John Brewer
Where required, RIDDOR reports will be completed by John Brewer
Routine inspections of our workplace(s) will be undertaken by John Brewer

3.7 Emergency Procedures, Fire and Evacuation 
The Fire risk assessment will be undertaken by John Brewer
Fire extinguishers will be checked routinely by John Brewer
Fire exit routes and doors will be checked by John Brewer
The fire alarm will be tested every John Brewer
The emergency evacuation assembly point is On drive



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